Tuesday, July 24, 2007

MIT application forms are out

My friend FlameBird writes in his blog that he's been checking his MyMIT account every day to see if MIT applications came. I didn't do that. And today I decided to finally check it. But when I opened https://my.mit.edu/ it didn't work. It was saying that it's gonna be out of business until 11am(that's not GMT, so... it's a little bit later than 11am in Lithuania). I thought that they were putting the application forms online and I was right. Later today I joined and saw my application form. They say that my interview was waived. It's a sad thing, because I really wanted to talk to someone who has really been at MIT. Ah, well, I can at least hope I'll be able to talk to many people that have really been at MIT during my undergrad years there... :)
One thing I would like to mention is my activities. I mean like, I usually spend time doing random activities and there are no things I could mention doing weekly. Well, except going to music school. So how should I fill my activities? Huh?

Oh, and btw, today collegeboard wiped 68$ out of my bank account. Yup, I'm now registered for the October SAT reasoning test.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.